Facts and Mysteries Of The Universe

6 min readOct 16, 2020

The universe is home to all the physical objects, materials, spaces, dimensions, times, and all forms of energy that are in them. But besides, the universe is a place that holds a lot of rare facts that not everyone knows.

The concept of the universe was born out of a Greek philosopher’s mind

Greece is a country that is already very famous for its advanced civilization. This has even been acknowledged since before AD. The country’s philosophers and scientists have spawned many scientific theories that are still used as guidelines to this day. One of the most widely known concepts is the universe. According to a journal of notes written on ancient.eu page, is about 600 BC Greece has had advances in science and medicine.

The concept that was first created was about geocentric earth, where the earth is determined as the center of the solar system. It was only in the 15th century AD that a scientist and astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus concluded heliocentric theory. The theory states that the sun is the center of the solar system.

The age of the universe has reached 13–14 billion

One of the scientists and also a Belgian pastor, Georges Lemaitre, revealed a theory that a long time ago, about 13 billion years ago, the universe was created from a massive explosion called the Big Bang.

Until now the theory is still considered a scientific theory that can be held accountable for its validity. And until now, the theory is still used as a guide for scientists.

The universe will continue to evolve

It is still related to the previous Big Bang theory which believed that the universe would continue to evolve at any time.

As noted in the journal Of The Astronomical space.com. The journal says that the most distant and still observable cluster of stars is cluster NGC 6397, in which there are approximately 400 thousand stars with an estimated age between 13.5 billion years.

Through observations made by NASA’s Hubble telescope, there is a widening range of distances between the star clusters and each other.

This proves that the universe today will continue to evolve until the thrust style itself is exhausted.

Because it is so vast, the universe can only be measured by the speed of light

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, or equal to 300,000 kilometers per second.

The space.com astronomy page notes that diameters in the universe can reach up to 92 billion light-years. The sense is that light that is so fast to get to the end of its diameter will take up to 92 billion years.

This means that the universe has a very wide size to infinity. The statement is the same as that said by NASA, that the universe will be very difficult to measure, due to its unstrained breadth.

It cannot yet be calculated how many stars in the universe.

Because of its breadth, it is still unknown or calculated how many stars exist in the universe.

Until now scientists and astronomers have only used guidance on the number of stars that exist only in the Milky Way galaxy to estimate the total number of stars present. The number ranges from 200–400 billion stars and billions of galaxies.

Neutron stars can rotate up to 600 times per second in the universe

The Neutron Star Group is the densest and smallest-sized collection of stars in the universe. It measures about 10 km (6 miles) in diameter. This collection of stars is likely to be several times the mass size of the Sun.

What many people don’t know yet is that these stars can rotate up to 60 times per second after being born from the result of a supernova explosion. So far, the star is known to be able to spin as fast as 600–712 times per second.

The Mystery of the Sun is in the Sun

One of the mysteries that occur in this universe is a strange event when the Sun is inside the Sun. The event is known in astronomical terms as Thorne-Zytkow Object (TZO) which refers to an event when a star is inside another star.

The name was given by physicist Kip Thorne as well as astronomer Anna Zytkow, both of which said that such a star phenomenon was true.

Thus, the term given by the scientist regarding the occurrence of TZO is an event when a neutron star is “swallowed” by a large red star.

Neutron stars are the nucleus of a dead giant star, while a red star is an old star whose hydrogen is running low so as not to emit any more heat effects.

The sun’s event inside the sun was finally discovered in 2014 and then at 199,000 light-years from Earth and named HV 2112.

The universe holds the secret of the tailed Sun

If we imagine something tailed in space, what immediately comes to mind is a comet. But in fact, there is a star named Mira that has proven that comets are not the only stars that have tails in the universe.

Mira is a star in the constellation Cetus located 350 light-years away from Earth. The star system consists of two stand-alone star forms, Mira A and Mira B.

Mira A is a red star that will soon die, while Mira B is a dead white dwarf star.

According to astronomers, Mira A emits a comet-like tail because the star releases carbon and oxygen. Both substances would create a tail 13 light-years long or equal to 20,000 times the sun’s distance to Pluto.

Egg-shaped stars, the strangeness of events in the universe

Enter Vega or Alpha Lyrae is an egg-shaped star located 25 light-years from Earth. It is one of the most popular stars to be studied by astronomers.

This star has this quite strange shape because it has a very fast spin. It is capable of rotating 93 percent of its critical rotation speed, which is the maximum speed at which the star will soon break.

Its rapid rotation led the star to complete one rotation in just 12.5 hours. As a comparison, the sun takes 27 days to complete a single rotation.

Sun with siamese twins

About a decade ago, an astronomer discovered the existence of a large star in the constellation Camelopardalis located about 13,000 light-years from Earth. And the big star was named MY Camelopardalis.

But in the end, after being re-examined, it turned out that the stars were two stars attached to siamese twins. The two stars orbit each other with an orbital time of about 30 hours.

It is very large, each of which is 38 times the size and 32 times larger than the size of the sun.

Some astronomers predict that the two stars will collide with each other and will produce much larger stars. The size of each star can reach, 60 times larger than the size of the sun.

The space was silent

Space has no atmosphere, meaning it has no space and media to travel to be heard.

Astronauts use radio aids to communicate while in space. Radio is needed because it has its waves as a sending and receiving medium.

Traces of astronauts on the Moon will be visible for millions of years

Unlike on Earth, the Moon has no atmosphere, meaning there will be no wind that can erode its surface, nor will there be water that can clear the trail.

Including traces of astronauts who have stayed there, the trail will remain immortal for millions of years.

The Strange fact of the universe, settling a day on Venus = more than a year on Earth

Venus has a very slow axis rotation movement, so it takes 243 Earth days to complete its day. The time of Venus’ orbit around the Sun is a total of 225 Earth days, resulting in one year on Venus 18 days less than a day on Venus.


All the events in the universe remain a mystery. Some of them are not even widely known by the public. The absence of a Sun with a tail, an egg-shaped star, and other findings, is a tangible testament to what is happening in the universe. This interesting fact went viral because of its uniqueness and strangeness.

